No, that's not a typo in my title.... Let me explain:
The Peterson Principle (as I learned it back in undergrad) states that people tend to get promoted to positions they are least likely to succeed at. A skilled laborer may have mastered his craft to perfection, however if he is promoted to a management position his skills are will no longer match his job title and he will flounder.
I bring this up because the Assistant Principal at our school is driving me crazy. And I know I'm not the only one with this problem..... AP's in general seem to be hit-or-miss with their management skills. In my case, he runs the school as the dictator of a small country (my school). He has stated that his role is to give "directives" and that it's our job to follow them. Well, yes and no. True he is the man in charge... but we're all on a team that need to work together. By taking a dictator position, he is pushing people away who are trying their darnest to work with him (did I mention his excellent business sense doesn't translate to educational sense). Because of this, I'm seriously looking at alternative places to work (I let our district supervisor know that I'd be interested in looking at the new schools for next year). I know I need to stay "in field" to keep my National Board Certification.... but is something great comes along, I want to keep my option open to jump ship.
I've heard an old saying that states: If you love your job, you'll never work a day in your life. I've always said I'd stay until it wasn't fun anymore..... So far this year, I've worked my tail off and it's not very fun.
First Post in over Two Years!
I haven't abandoned my Write to Say It blog, though it's been many moons
since my last post. Rather than make excuses, let me show you what has
been my co...
10 years ago
AP is a holding tank for incompetents who are too stupid to teach and too annoying to be a principal. But it's a revolving door. The good news is, yours will be gone in no time. The bad news is, AP is a holding tank for incompetents....
I think it must be an AP's job to be annoyingly controlling. I had "Puffy" and now "Smiley" whom everyone mimics with an exagerated smile.
The Peter Principle is a colloquial principle of hierarchiology, stated as "In a hierarchy every employee tends to rise to his level of incompetence."
Does that mean we are at our level of incompetence?
i dunno but there sure are a lot of incompetants in ny
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